100 new and/or improved sites for everything from decreasing your carbon footprint to finding green jobs, environmentally-friendly shopping, and more.
Green everything is hot right now, and there’s no sign that it’s going to slow down any time in the near future. What are your favorite sites for green living? Tell us more in the comments.
Carbon Footprint Calculators, Other Tools and Carbon Offsets

The Carbon Account – Reduce your carbon footprint and share tips with others.
RoofRay – An online tool that uses satellite photos to help you design and compare photovoltaic arrays.
GreenIQ – Measures your carbon emissions and overall environmental footprint. Also includes a blog and other helpful information.
Carbonrally – Lets you compete in challenges to reduce your environmental impact with others in your area or worldwide.

COzero – A site that calculates your carbon emissions and then shows you ways to reduce and offset them.
CO2Stats – Automatically purchases renewable energy for your website based on your site’s environmental footprint.
3Degrees – Find out your carbon footprint and then support climate change fighting projects.
Carma – Online carbon monitoring of power plants and power companies.
Charitable Giving

ImprovingYourWorld – Vote for your preferred charity or cause on this site, and they’ll get a portion of donations based on the number of votes they receive.
MicroGiving – Choose a cause to donate to and then see the results that your donation brings.
TimeBank – Volunteer your time based on who you are and your schedule to worthy causes.
Pledgie – Raise money for a cause or start your own cause.

Giveo – Donate to a cause or start your own.
nabuur.com – Online volunteering platform that links volunteers with local communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America to find solutions to local problems.
JustGive.org – Tools to make charitable giving part of every day life by connecting donors with causes they care most about.
Firstgiving – Online fund raising pages you can share that let you raise money for any US nonprofit.

BringLight – Connects donors with charities who describe specific funding needs, so you know exactly where your money is going.
CareBadges – Create website badges for causes you believe in.
Six Degrees – Create online badges and become a celebrity for your cause.
GivingPal – Shop through this site and a portion of your spending is donated to a charity of your choosing.

ChangingThePresent – You can sponsor a pig, help a deaf child, provide clean water, or any number of other tangible charitable gifts through this site.
CharityNavigator – Independent charity evaluations of over 5,300 American charities.
MissionFish – Fund raising tools for raising money on ebay.
CrowdFunder – Tools for raising money for whatever your cause is.
Noza – Helps charities find donors.

MicroPlace – Find people all over the world who are looking for someone to invest in them to help them work their way out of poverty.
Stuff Your Rucksack – Volunteer to transport items when you travel to people who need them (such as bringing a school some books or bringing clothes to an orphanage).
ripple – Fight poverty by searching through this site, or donate directly.
Rainfall of Envelopes – Makes it easy to receive or give money gifts for any event, including charitable fundraisers.
DonorsChoose.org – Provide students in need with materials and resources that public schools are often lacking.

good2gether – A platform that helps distribute relevant charitable information across media sites all over the Internet.
The Point – Get people to pledge to give money or take action, wait for enough people to pledge (reach the “tipping point”) and then have members follow through on their pledge, sure that they will actually make a difference.
Communities, Networking and Dating

Edenbee – An online community dedicated to reducing your carbon footprint.
EthicalSingles – An online dating site for environmentally and socially responsible singles.
Eco Treadsetters – An online green community sponsored by the Yokohama tire company.
EcoSpace – An online community of people who want to create positive change.

2People – A community aimed at building the public mandate for solutions to global warming.
Hugg – User-submitted green news from all over the Web.
Gaia Community – A social network of individuals committed to changing the world.
Veggie Community – Social networking for vegans, vegetarians, and raw foodists.
Green-Passions – Online dating and social networking for green singles.

Care2 – Green social networking site that includes news, groups, ecards, and more.
Creative Citizen – An online community dedicated to finding creative solutions for green living.
Greenopolis – Collaborative and interactive education website that brings together communities, organizations, foundations, corporations and universities to reward people for making positive environmental changes in their lives.
Segway Social – A social network for Segway users.

Out For A Ride – Social networking for bicycle riders.
AlternativeEnergy.com – Social networking, news and more for the alternative energy industry.
traxtuff – Network for loaning and borrowing things, as well as tracking the things you’ve borrowed or loaned out.
Razoo – Social network for promoting social responsibility.
EMwomen – Social networking dedicated to empowering women to make a difference in their world.
OffsetX – Social action network that allows you to “offset” (vote against) anything you want, whether it’s a politician, business, disease, or whatever.

Ladder to Heaven – Promotes the sharing of good deeds performed by users or others.
Changemakers – A platform for open source social innovation that produces global action frameworks that draw on the work of social entrepreneurs and seed collaborative action.
Just Cause – Read stories about people making positive change, learn about creative solutions to problems in the world and share your own ideas.
Green Business, Money and Careers

do the right thing.com – Online business ratings based on environmental and social impact.
EnvironmentalCareer.com – An online job search engine for environmental jobs.
SustainableBusiness.com – News and networking for green businesses to help them grow.
justmeans – Sustainable and socially responsible business and stock information.
Local Information

Earth 911 – A site that provides local recycling and product stewardship information.
Greenopia – A local green living guide.
Green Map – Maps of green living, cultural, natural and civic resources for communities around the world.
Ecovian – A local green living directory.
Projects & Action-Based Sites

1Sky – An online political action site that is focused on getting the federal government to act on climate change by 2010.
Catalog Choice – Opt-out of catalog mailing lists to reduce your junk mail.
ProQuo – Opt-out of junk mail lists (you can also opt-in to offers you actually want to receive).
GreenDimes – Another service that guarantees to stop up to 90% of your junk mail.

41Pounds.org – Stop 80-95% of unwanted catalogs and junk mail. The name comes from the approximately 41 pounds of junk mail the average American adult receives each year.
stopthejunkmail.com – Fully automated service for opting out of junk mail lists.
RoadSharing – A carpooling coordination site.
PickupPal – Connecting drivers and passengers to save money and reduce environmental impact by carpooling.

RecycleBank – An online rewards points program to encourage recycling.
Scoodi – Trading, buying and selling locally to keep things out of landfills.
Throwplace.com – Find a good home for your unwanted stuff instead of throwing it away.
Search Engines, Directories & Guides

Forestle – A search engine that saves .1 square yard of rainforest for every search you do.
Greenseng – A search engine that helps offset your carbon emissions through CO2Stats.
Green Planet Search – A green search engine that also includes recent news, events, and more.
Twitoosearch.com – An environmentally conscious search engine with a black search background.
Eco-find – A green search engine that displays eco-friendly living tips on the homepage.

GreenRenter – A directory of green residential and commercial buildings and rental vacancies.
EcoTrotters.com – An online guide for ecologically friendly travel.
Ecocho – A green search engine that plants two trees (offsetting a ton of greenhouse gases) for every 1,000 searches performed.
Greensie – Another green search engine.
Green Link Central – A human edited green search engine.
Greenona – Another green search engine that shows the top 500 searches, top 100 clicked results, and more.

Low Impact Living – Provides information to reduce your environmental impact, including information on green products and practices.
Fivelimes – Green living directory, including green products, green news and discussion boards.
CDM Bazaar – A platform for exchanging information on Clean Development Mechanism projects from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
blue egg – Eco information directory.
Shopping & Products

Guide Me Green – An online directory of green companies and brands that includes forums and a newsletter.
EVO – A site that includes green product ratings, services and information.
TheFindGreen.com – A green products search engine.
Greenzer – Green shopping directory.

Eco Monkey – Eco-friendly shopping directory.
Rate It Green – A green products directory that features community ratings.
Greener One – Green ratings for mainstream products.
VegBay.com – Online green auctions.

GreenDeals Daily – Online shopping deals on green products.
GoodGuide – Find environmentally friendly products that are safe and healthy.
Video & User-Generated Content

Protect The Human – Site for sharing videos, pictures and links to promote human rights.
ViroPOP – A video network just for green videos.
Other Resources

love earth – The BBC’s site for environmental topics, including their environmental programming.
Pixily – Save paper and trees by organizing your documents online.
folia – Garden organization app that lets you track sprouting, blooming, and harvests in your garden.
Green Thing – Sends a monthly email that includes a green thing to do for the month.
askCHARITY – An online charity contact directory for media professionals.
http://www.ibuyitgreen.com is a great resource for green shopping.
Does anyone have ny experience with a provider of carbon credits that is really truly transparent and verifiable wherein the carbon credits can be tracked and always accounted for in a scientific manner.
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Great Blog. Good stuff.